Dear Children Of Babaji,
From 21st March 2010 i am staying in the Wagholi Ashram.
Many devotees asked me,'Guruji, how you will stay alone in this isolated place?'
It is because i have realised my aloneness. If some one has realised it then he/she can live any where even in crowd and still he/she will be enjoying his/her aloneness. If you are feeling loneliness then it is full of miseries. People have created society, state, country and family etc just to forget their aloneness. Awake and arise and you will see that there is nothing except you in this world and finally you will realise the truth of Adwayat.
After this realisation when you will be feeding some hungry people you will know that you are feeding yourself;helping others is helping self.
This will be the END of that false EGO you are having.
Gyan Swami